Flag Palestine
Flag Palestine
  • This association aims at justice, the dignity of Palestine and its happy development.
  • For a just and lasting peace in Palestine.
  • Establish a comprehensive digital information tool about Palestine, in multiple languages.
  • Promoting friendship between Palestine and France.
  • Know this country, its history, its culture, its geopolitical situation.
  • Encourage twinning between Palestinian and French cities.
  • To disseminate Palestinian culture, art, music and literature.
  • Support academic exchanges between Palestine and France.
  • Sponsor children in Palestine.
  • Organize cultural and festive events.


Palestine Friends Association is a charitable organization that aims to collect and disseminate information related only to Palestine by creating a comprehensive digital information tool about Palestine, in many languages.

This association aims to achieve justice, dignity and happy development for Palestine.

Achieving a just and lasting peace in Palestine

All information published by members must respect the law and the freedom of expression permitted. We, in the association’s management, will immediately delete any comments or any publication that we see as conflicting or disrespectful to the country in which the site is located, which is France at the present time.

We consider the publisher primarily responsible for his personal content.

Our website, in addition to being a digital information tool about Palestine, allows sharing information with members like any other social networking site.

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